




If you suspect wrong doing, contact:


If you fear reprisal:

Federal employees and employees of contractors subcontractors, and grantees are protected by law from reprisal for reporting wrongdoing to a recipient authorized by law to receive such reports.

Contact the OIG Whistleblower Ombudsman

to learn more about your rights:

What is Empowerline?

Empowerline® is the OIG-sponsored hotline system for employees, contractors and the general public to report suspected fraud, waste or abuse that affects TVA.

The system can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week
and will allow users to report over a secure internet connection or by calling the toll free hotline number.

Secure and Safe

Empowerline is administered by a third-party contractor so individuals who report concerns can do so anonymously, or they can request confidentiality.

No one at TVA will learn a caller's identity without the caller's prior consent.
Empowerline also allows users to track the outcomes of concerns they report. Individuals who report concerns will be given a protected password whether they contact Empowerline by phone or through the Web. They can use the password to track the resolution of their concern. Also, if they chose to remain anonymous, they can use the password to check for any follow-up questions the OIG may have.

If you see something that doesn't look right, say something. By doing so, you help the OIG stop fraud, waste, and abuse in its tracks! Anonymous & Confidential. The EMPOWERLINE® is a safe outlet for reporting and is available 24/7.

Call us at (855) 882-8585 or go to:   EMPOWERLINE®